Sivar Veitsiwesfv

// A runaway, a pirate, a lost soul

deft-fingered, sharp-eyed and quick-witted, a layered man with a diverse past

"Icarus took a fall that I much admire."

About Sivar

NAMESivar Veitsiwesfv
NicknamesThe Shadow; Knives; Siv
Nameday1st Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon (April 1st - Aries)
AgeWell into adult years
RaceVeena Viera
GenderCis Male
Hair ColorTeal
Eye ColorAqua
BuildLean; athletic
ScentRum, cigarettes, sandalwood
OccupationOwner of The Rusty Mug

SexualityGay; poly
FamilyWhereabouts unknown. He never speaks of them.
AlignmentChaotic Neutral
StrengthsProtective, passionate, independent, energetic, thoughtful, curious, observant.
WeaknessesTemperamental, stubborn, aloof, stand-offish, guarded, reckless.

Notable Features

  • Tribal facial tattoos on cheeks and nose. A myriad of others on his arms, chest, back, hands and fingers featuring a combination of pirate/sailor tattoos, Veena runes and magical runes.

  • Snakebite piercing, tongue piercing, septum and nose piercings as well as nipple piercings

  • Always wears a couple of bracelets and sometimes other various jewelry such as leather necklaces, bracelets and silver rings. Also wears beads and sometimes feathers or bones in his hair.


  • Always carries at least a couple of knives hidden on his person somewhere

  • Carries a lighter as well, as he is a smoker. The lighter is silver, etched with a compass design on the front but it's a bit worn.

  • He has a tendency to be drawn toward those he considers to be superior to him in some way whether it be more intelligent or stronger physically. Those tend to be the people he keeps closest to him.

  • He has great difficulty in forming deep connections with others and generally keeps people at arm's length.

  • Voice Claim: Travis Fimmel as Ragnar


  • Cooking

  • Running

  • Metalworking

  • Magitek

  • Painting

  • Drawing

  • Fishing


  • The sea

  • Knives

  • Rum

  • Music

  • Art

  • Passion


  • Passiveness

  • Affectionate touch (from most people)

  • Garleans



  • Sifn Vihreäwesfv - Father (Deceased)

  • Sljn Hyskaris - Mother (Deceased)

  • Alexi Metsawesfv - Brother


  • Osha'a (Oz) Relanah - Partner

  • August Mercer - Partner

  • Akhutai Urit - Partner

  • Tristan Solianteaux - "Friend" (Lover)

  • Ives Mirier - Friend

  • Sevaut - Friend

  • Gauge Lesoud -Business partner


  • Skatay Range: Sivar was a protector of his village in Skatay Range as a woodwarder for quite some time. He rarely meets other woodwarders from Skatay but when he does, he enjoys speaking to them about his former home.

  • Pirating: After leaving his homeland, he snuck onto a ship and wound up taking up a life of piracy and eventually ended up with his own ship. He lived this sort of life for some time, and came to be known as 'The Shadow' due to his affinity for stealthiness. These days most of Sivar's work revolves around relic hunting and exploratory expeditions. Very innocent, of course, right? He definitely couldn't help you procure anything rare, risky or illegal.

  • Odd Aether: Something seems a bit strange about this one's aether. As if something is hidden away or lurking deep beneath the surface. If your character is one who can sense such things, they might notice that he is bonded to a voidsent.

  • Metalworking: Need a new weapon? Or maybe just a nice coatrack? Sivar does metalworking in his spare time. Mostly for himself, currently. but he might be willing to take commissions.

  • The Rusty Mug: Sivar currently owns a dive bar located in the Brume of Ishgard, a hole in the wall type bar with cheap booze. No bullshit.

Shard Info

HecateProfession: Research assistant in Pandaemonium, tasked with researching and binding creatures kept there.
Known research: Several studies on both living and undead creatures involving bringing them back from the dead. As well as developing exceptionally strong warding spells, able to bind even the strongest beings.
Relationship status: Unknown.
Known areas of expertise: Occult magics, warding, blood rituals, astrology, sorcery and witchcraft.
Familiar: A ghostly being that often took the shape of an Elezen but could also morph into a snake.
Other things of note: While they primarily focused on magic, Hecate also was quite well skilled with blades and fencing and had an extensive dagger collection, primarily using them in rituals.
Known shards:Sivar:
Race: Veena Viera
Current location: Eorzea
Things of note: Most power is still untapped/unknown to him. Memories still buried. Potential to unlock. Aware of his situation but does not know what to do with it.
Race: Voidsent
Current location: Residing within Sivar’s body, originally from the 13th
Things of note: Mostly dormant but can be triggered. Could potentially be fully awoken given the right set of circumstances.
Ives Mirier:
Race: Sharlayan Elezen
Current location: Eorzea
Things of note: Completely unaware but has inherited skill with necromancy. Memories are buried, unlikely to be able to be unlocked at this time.
Race: Fae
Current location: Eorzea, originally from the First
Things of note: Aware, carries memories of who they are. Often changes appearance and name.
Other shards are likely to exist but unknown, currently.

Aesthetics & Inspiration


  • Dropkick Murpheys-"Rose Tattoo"-Some may be from showing up. Others are from growing up. Sometimes I was so messed up and didn't have a clue. I ain't winning no one over, I wear it just for you. I've got your name written here, In a rose tattoo.

  • Marilyn Manson - "Leave a Scar" - There's a crack in my soul you thought it was a smile. Whatever doesn't kill you...It's gonna leave a scar.

  • UnterArt - "Memento" - I cut my name in your heart to assure the memories remain. I never will release the pain.

  • Audioslave - "I Am the Highway - I am not your rolling wheels, I am the highway. I am not your carpet ride, I am the sky.

  • Rise Against - "Prayer of the Refugee" -But we've been sweating while you slept so calm in the safety of your home. We've been pulling out the nails that hold up everything you've known.

  • Ashbury Heights - "Firebird" -The future's just a word, I'm ignoring every warning. Aimed at keeping me down when I could go higher.

OOC Info


  • Hello, I am Siv, I'm a long-time MMO RPer. I am in my late 30's and I am neurodivergent.

  • Please understand that I am a rather busy person. I have RL responsibilities as well as the fact that I spend a decent portion of time running an RP venue. I also have a decent number of already established RP partners. Please don't take my limited availability as a personal offense or as disinterest.

  • No OOC flirting, please, as I'm not looking for any OOC romantic or sexual interactions. Platonic friendship is okay but nothing beyond that!

  • Mun is 30+ and will only RP with those 21+, with a preference for 30+ for shipping and long term plots.

  • EST time zone


  • While I seldom have free time available to start RPs with new people, meeting my OCs at my venues is the best way to be able to engage with them, given my busy schedule.

  • Sivar is not a monogamous character. While he does have romantic entanglements, they have all developed naturally, over time and primarily via a slow burn pace. Keep this in mind if approaching with shipping expectations.

  • I very much value communication with RP partners. While I do not desire my stories to be scripted, I do enjoy plotting with my RP partners and having open communication along the way.

  • Content can include anything from dark content to adventures to silly, light-hearted fun! I'm willing to roll with most things!

  • Discord RP is generally reserved for established RP partners only.